Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Hank is 3 Months Old

Hank is currently: 3 months old! My maternity leave is almost over and I'm enjoying the last few weeks of us together at home.

Weight: unknown but I would bet he's around 14 pounds. We don't have a 3 month doctor's appointment but will be back next month.

Clothing: As hard as it is for me to admit, he's pretty much grown out of all his 0-3 month stuff. He's officially in 3-6 month clothes.

Nicknames: Hank already is a nickname, but we also call him little guy, big boy, and Patsy loves to call him "Hanky"

Health/Diet: He nurses like a champ and things have been going well. It's like riding a bike. He is pretty efficient and gaining weight well so I just let him tell me when he's hungry.

Sleep: He has grown out of the newborn attachment so he's been sleeping in the flat part of the Pack N Play. We just tried to sleep without the swaddle last night and he adjusted just fine!

Milestones: He smiles all the time and is such a happy little boy. He has also rolled over a few times but we need to work on this a little bit more.

Likes: Being held, his binkie, getting changed, sticking his hands in his mouth.

Dislikes: Being hungry, being cold, tummy time and he's not that thrilled about bath time either. Despite these dislikes, he's a pretty happy and chill kid.

little drooly man

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